Autore: Armando Grmek Germani
Note biografiche:
Armando Grmek Germani is born in Trieste in 1929. He moved to Capodistria in 1945 and has been writing poems for many years. Since he has retired he ended four novels: Dopo il tramonto/After the sunset, L’innominata peccatrice/ The unnamed sinner, Il sergente Darko e Paola, la donna del latte/ Sergeant Darko and Paola, the milkwoman.
Scheda critica:
The pulse of life together with the memories of one of the most difficult periods of his adoptive city, Capodistria/Koper,re-emerge from the writing of Armando Grmek, author of some novels full of great civil value and suffered and painful sensibility. We publish the unreleased tale “Lucciole e lanterne”/ Fireflies and lanterns, witness of a period that has left a deep gap among mankind, and a poem that reflects the subject of reconciliation.
Titolo estratto: Sadness and mercy