Multimedia Documentation Center of Julian Istrian Culture Fiumana Dalmata
December 30th, 2024
+39 040 771569

PresentationHistory and Philosophy

The Trieste Multimedia Documentation Centre of Julian, Istrian, Fiuman and Dalmatian Culture was founded in 1999 in order to overcome an embarassed and still embarassing silence on lands, rich in Italian culture, but which have been left over the border for centuries. Lands pierced by totalitarian occupations, deportations and exodus on which, only in the last few years, it has been started a review of judgements and interpretations.

The Adriatic question needs deep and full-ranging studies to be disclosed to an increasingly vast and especially young audience. In our modern society based on appearance and communication, it’s essential for these issues to use the most updated techniques of communication and diffusion, with the aim of reaching – by means of our website- all the groups, associations, foundations who deal with the oriental question, in Italy or abroad, and who represent either the exules in the world or the Italians living in Istria, Fiume and Dalmatia.

For this purpose the MDC deals with culture and history in a wide range, from tourism to food, from historic documentation to learning, from literature to art, but even news through a continous and accurate information assigned to its press office and to the AdriaticArcipelago NEWS  Newsletter: in other words of anything which is heritage of a population and which is the background for its own memory and identity, with the hope that a new European dimension would be able to reconnect what the human vicissitudes have arbitrarily separated.


  • National Association Venezia Giulia and Dalmatia
  • National League
  • Free Borough of Fiume in Exile
  • Free Borough of Zara in Exile
  • Associazione dei Dalmati Italiani nel Mondo
  • Circolo di cultura e arte istriana
  • Associazione Italiani di Pola e Istria

Board of Directors

  • Renzo Codarin- CPA. President
  • Paolo Sardos Albertini- Lawyer. Honorary President
  • Foroni Elisabeth
  • David di Pauli Paulovich
  • Claudio Grizon
  • Giorgio Varisco

Board of Auditors

  • “Revisore Unico” dott. Sergio Totis

Scientific Council

  • Giuseppe Parlato- Professor at International University of Rome (UNINT)
  • Dott. Giorgio Federico Siboni
  • Dott. Davide Rossi

Il Ricordo a Bergamo


Fausto Biloslavo il Giornale
Matteo Carnieletto il Giornale
Maria Elena Depetroni Anvgd Bg
Coordinamento : Viviana Facchinetti
