Centro di Documentazione Multimediale della Cultura Giuliana Istriana Fiumana Dalmata
March 4th, 2025
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Norma Nino English

I fumetti di Norma Cossetto e di Nino Benvenuti in inglese

Le foibe, le violenze anti-italiane, il dramma dell’esodo ma, anche, il riscatto… Per la prima volta tradotta in inglese, in edizione internazionale, la storia a fumetti del confine orientale italiano attraverso le opere dell’editore Ferrogallico:
“Blood of Istria – Norma Cossetto, an italian story” 
Norma Cossetto, a 23 years old student, was tortured, raped and thrown into a foiba in September 1943 by Yugoslavian communist partisans. The indescribable violence against Italians in Istria, culminating in two terrible outbursts made of deportation, summary executions, torture, drownings and people being thrown into the foibe – the first one in the months following the 8th of September armistice in 1943, the second at the end of the war in 1945 – cost upward of 10.000 Italian lives.
This is a frontier story, of a remote corner of Italy that for years, decades, has been shamefully ignored. The story of inhuman, unjustified communist violence against the Italian population.
“Nino Benvenuti – My story from the exodus to the world champion boxing title”

The extraordinary autobiography in comic book form of Nino Benvenuti, one of the greatest Italian boxers of all times, is the tale of a boy and his dream, but, also, a tragedy.,, The tragedy of the Italians of Istria, Fiume and Dalmatia, forced into exile after WWII to escape the terrible violence, murders, the infoibamenti of Tito’s Yugoslavian communist troops. Nino Benvenuti, Istrian, is the symbol of redemption: his unforgettable conquest of the Gold Medal at the 1960 Rome Olympics represents a victory for himself and for his people. Two stories are then inextricably intertwined in these pages: one of a great boxing campion, and one of an entire people.

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